Hello Friends!
This week has been filled with a quick camping trip out of town, impromptu trips to the river, and late night ice cream. It's summer for real for real right now and I want to soak it ALLL up.
Some significant changes are happening in my world in the coming months (we'll talk about those soon!) so I'm focusing on being present and grateful for the life I've created and the people in it. Do you ever pause and find those moments? I highly recommend it.
Let's jump in, shall we?
A musical love letter to my city to start things off in a beautiful way. I'm in need of some new music, what are you listening to these days?
How Not to be Offended: Loving detachment is a world-view that is near and dear to my heart. Is this something that interests you or you'd like to know more about? Please drop me a line and let me know so I can gauge interest levels for some upcoming workshops!
“We are all swimming in the projections and filters of each other’s life experiences and often we are just the stand-ins, the chess pieces of life to which our loved ones have their own built-in reactions. This is not to dehumanize life or take away the intimacy from our relationships, but mainly for us to know that almost every time we get offended, we are actually just in a misunderstanding. A true embodiment of this idea actually allows for more intimacy and less suffering throughout all of our relationships.”
What it's like to have pea-sized confidence with watermelon-sized boobs: A great read about how using your body can be empowering, taking up space can feel like a revolution, and how those things translate to all walks of life.
Inviting Vulnerability: This is the playbook for my coming weeks and months.
Get present. Get open. Feel all the feels. Accept and allow all the feels. Rinse and repeat.
Don't call it a comeback: A great reminder that ebbs and flows are a part of life. You don't need to fight it, but you do need to pay attention to your self-talk and be real about your priorities.
Another love letter, this time to wild places and the women who adventure in them.
This article is only here because of the adorable lemurs. But seriously, are you unplugging enough? Are you consciously recharging? or just taking the random two minutes here or there to nap or daydream? Get focused on your recovery so you can stay focused on your growth and work.
That's all for now friends. I'm heading into the desert this weekend for some of the aforementioned recharging and to write some of my own love letters to wild places. What are you up to this weekend? What's exciting you in your work or in your recharging? Drop me a line, let's start a conversation.
Have fun, be safe, and love on each other.