Weekly Wrap Up #20


Hello dear friends,

Happy Friday! It’s been a helluva week hasn’t it!? I’m so glad we’re here and I hope you’re making time for some self care this weekend, whatever that looks like for you. Maybe that looks like a nice hot bath or reading a good book. Maybe that looks like donating some money to places doing good work.

However it looks, let’s keep finding ways to rest so we can keep finding ways to fight and care for each other. it’s important work.

Let’s jump in!

Speaking of getting some sweet R&R, check out this new prescription some doctors are recommending. I plan on filling my Rx this weekend!

In case you need more motivation to rest.

If you’re like me and you’re feeling a little helpless and hopeless these days, maybe these actionable ideas will help inspire and encourage you.

I’ve always prided myself on being a pretty big Pollyanna in most situations BUT that doesn’t mean hiding from and not addressing very real negative things that exist (although I definitely want to sometimes). This article is a great reframe: Activism is pure positivity.

Science is here to remind us there are small ways to create happiness and connectivity: “The mood boost of talking to strangers may seem fleeting, but the research on well-being suggests that a happy life is made up of a high frequency of positive events, and even small positive experiences make a difference.”

And if you don’t know what to say or how to start talking to strangers, never fear! Terry Gross is here (again!)

I mentioned my Sisyphean tendencies a few months ago and it’s something I’m learning to accept and manage as best I can. The picture above is a product of those tendencies: when in doubt, run up something! It’s a very literal solution to a very existential problem but it works and it makes me smile. What idiosyncrasy of yours are you learning to accept and manage? I’d love to hear about it!

That’s all for this week, friends.

Have fun, be safe, and love on each other.