Hello Friends!
How was your week? Do anything fun or exciting or out of your comfort zone? I went hiking on Mt. Hood this weekend which is a change in scenery for me. Huge open expanses of fields that, for nine months out of the year are covered in feet of snow, are not my usual hiking ground. (Get a load of those wild flowers, though!!) Give me desert trails in deep, arid, canyons or thick forests that envelope me in their underbrush on the regular and I'm a happy camper. The views from this hike, however, were worth changing up my routine and reminded me that it's good to shake things up, even in small ways like new trails.
This week is going to be self-care and self-reflection heavy. There's a full moon coming up in a little over a week and we've got a solar eclipse happening soon after that. I'm not always superstitious and Woo-ey, but sometimes I am, especially when full moons are involved.
This summer seems to be pulling people out of their comfort zones and requiring more awareness and reflection than usual (I know it is for me!) so I'm not going to question it, I'm going to support it and run with it. Are you in?
How to be better at stress: Stop stressing about stress! Re-frame the story and repeat after me "This stress makes me stronger and more capable of handling the upcoming situation." I know it doesn't feel like much but taking away the added stress of stressing about stress can go a long way to managing the original stress better. Should I say stress a few more times, just for good measure?
Do these four things to feel happier: This list involves finding the positive, labeling the negative, taking action, and connecting with others. I'm all about it.
5 common mistakes that cause new habits to fail: Are you creating new self care habits? Or maybe you're trying to un-learn some habits that are no longer serving you? This list will lead you in the right direction. Also, if your new habit involves fitness or general body health and you're in Portland, OR, please check out Bold and Badass Fitness, the owner (and person that showed me this link) is ALL about healthy habit-making and is just awesome overall!
The power of silence: (TW: suicide attempt)
“I used to find that whenever there was drama in my life, my brain would get louder. The thoughts were more controlling and dominating, the emotions more intense, and my energy zapped. It was almost like my thinking brain was sucking up all the energy from my entire body.
But I continued to feed and grow that silence by persisting and holding in quiet meditation, or nourishing it through active meditative activities that anchored it.”
Anyone that knows me IRL knows that silence is not my strong suit. It's easier to talk or listen, to absorb stimulation externally, than it is to go inside my frenetic brain and pay attention. I'm growing my capacity for silence by gently feeding those little moments of solitude, would you like to join me?
Breath/Brain connection: One of the ways I'm feeding that solitude is by bringing awareness to breathing through my nose. The study in this article is a tiny one so I'm interested in seeing more research done but, until then, intentionally breathing through my nose does seem to emotionally regulate me faster than not doing it. Have you tried it?
How to boost resilience: This is a fantastic rundown of everything above it with some added bonuses. If you only read one article from this week, please make it this one. #4 on the list is the one I'm focusing on this week. Which one will you focus on this week? Drop me a line and let me know!
My self care things right now: Since this week is about self care and self reflection, I want to add a few of my self care things. These two podcasts are all about adventure in very different ways. They make me laugh, they make me dream, and they make me happy. I found them both only recently so I've had the wonderful fortune of getting to binge-listen to them as the opportunity arises.
What's on your self-care list? What's not on it that you want to add? What's on it that's no longer serving you?
Have a wonderful weekend, friends. Hang out with people that make you happy but also don't be afraid of taking some extra quiet time; it's all about finding the right balance for you.
Have fun, be safe, and love on each other.