
A recipe for quieting a mind

Ingredient List:

  • 2 whole hiking boots (well worn is good. Brand new is good too, just add a few band aids to the ingredient list as you wear them in) 
  • Enough water to keep everything hydrated
  • 1 Cup adventure
  • Equal parts curiosity and confidence
  • 1/2 Cup silence
  • A sprinkle of sunshine
  • One stick sunscreen
  • A dash of wild animal sightings


  1. Mix everything together, stirring gently to combine.
  2. Pour into yourself and start walking. Take your time and don't feel the need to rush this process. This is a low and slow recipe, not a flash in the pan.  
  3. Feel free to incorporate any add-ins that you like: dog or human hiking buddies would be a nice addition. And don't be afraid of a rain coat! It might seem like a bold choice but I assure you, it blends in well with the other ingredients. 
  4. You'll know it's finished when your brain has quieted down and you have a smile on your face for no particular reason; when you're focused on the upcoming steps, what's ahead on the trail, and not all of those unanswered emails or the meal planning for the week. 

I hope this recipe becomes a beloved and well used one in your arsenal. Maybe even a weekly staple?! 
If you try it, let me know how it worked out for you and what you have added or subtracted from your ingredient list. I can't wait to hear from you. 

Have fun, be safe, and love on each other.